The Easy Button can be Deceiving |
Many of our grandparents, and some of our parents had to walk or ride a horse to get around, now we zip to and fro in a automobile, Easy. There was even a time when Church goers had to arrive at least 2 hours early to get the lanterns going, a big fire built to stay warm during the 3 hour service, sit on hard benches with no padding, and had to go outdoors to relieve themselves. Now it’s all lit up, comfy and cozy, with indoor plumbing, central heat and air, and if the Pastor goes past noon our minds are out the door. I wonder how many of us would go to Church if there was no air conditioning, the seats were not comfortable, or there were no indoor facilities. We like it Easy.
If I am going move an object, or make a repair on something, I often times look for the easiest method. I’d rather use a wheelbarrow rather than carry something myself, and that’s just common sense. However, taking the easy path can often times be the enemy’s path. Satan loves to offer us an easy way out of things, and we all to often take the bait.
Here are some examples: It is Easier to wipe the dust of our Bibles, rather than open it up and actually read it. It is Easier to lay in the bed on the morning of worship, than to get up and go. It is Easier not to pray than it is to pray. It is Easier to allow someone else to serve, than to get involved ourselves. It is Easier to point out others fault rather than look in the mirror and see your own. Easy,…….it’s one of Satan’s favorite tools and we allow it to be used in our lives way too often.
There is much to be said about taking the Easy way out of things. Yes, there are times when we can make things a little easier, but taking the path that leads away from the Cross is not one of them.
We get so used to being in our own little world, our own little comfort zone, and are spoiled to the fleshly desires that surround us. There was nothing Easy about Jesus dieing on the Cross. He had the power to say no, he could have avoided taking the fall for our sin, but through His love for you and for me, he bore excruciating torment. Is that not worth getting out of bed and going to worship for? Are we so satisfied with the temporary, easy way of life we have now, that we give no regards to the Eternal?
God has blessed us with so many things. Freedom, a lush landscape to live in, singing birds, plenty of food, and list goes on. However, all that we have, all that we can see, feel, hear, and rest upon today is but temporary. It will pass.
Take a quick look at the following passages, Proverbs 10:4, Proverbs 13:4,
1 Timothy 4:15, Hebrews 6:12, Colossians 3:23-24, 1 Peter 5:8. There are several passages in the Bible with such references. God’s words, not mine.
It’s easy to overlook and take such things for granted. However, we must realize there is so much more that God has to offer us. However,if we keep taking the easy way of life, we will never get to fully experience what God has in store for us. Jeremiah 29:11 has a word for this. It’s time to give up our living for the temporary things this world has to offer and begin living for the Eternal. No, it’s not always easy, were not placed on this earth to be comfortable, but to be comforters. He has a plan and a purpose for your life, much greater than the temporal one we so often strive for. I pray that plan is sought out in your life; we get off our good intentions, and allow God to use us for His future Glory. Don't allow the Easy button of life to become the Evil button of living.
So true Mark! I know Satan's temptation through comfort and convience. But God tells us to strive for contentment,even in struggle. I believe we mix the two words up to mean the same. However you can be content even with struggles. You may not be comfortable but you can be content. Let's strive to be content for God and not give Satan a foothold through easy ways out that seem comfortable. Jesus did not take the easy way out when Satan tempted Him. Neither should we who try to follow Christ's example for living as lights for God. God Bless you Brotha and thank you.