Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Life Lessons 111

If I shared with you that you could take the last 2 digits of your birth year and add the age that you will be this year, and it would come to 111, would you believe me?? Interesting.

Now, the above has little to do with the following post, other than I told you an absolute Truth. Yes, in life there are absolute truths!!!

A lot of folks are searching for Truth and many are told there is no absolute Truth. That my friend could not be further from the Truth.

If you keep up with this blog, you may just learn to discern the Truth of the Matter and what should really matter in a person’s life. No, I am not some religious fanatic that has all the answers, far from it, however there is a means by which we can all have, know, and hold on to the Truth of things. Yes, you will see quotations, and facts from a Biblical perspective on this blog, as the Truth is derived from rightful living, rightful thinking, and rightful decision making which comes only from God’s Holy and Inspired Word.
The Truth is not only important to know, but to share. Truth is not what we merely make of something and if we don’t learn to discern what real truth is, our society will continue to fall apart at an even more rapid rate than it already is.

I could start out by asking, What is Truth, but that would be too easy. Instead I will give a scenario and then we will go from there.

Water is wet. Right? That is a simple absolute truth. However, some will argue that fact in scientific, political, even social manner to get their own version of truth. The fact is, you can’t.
If I told you water was dry, I would be telling you a flat out lie and there is no truthful way to justify my reasoning.

Those in higher places, such a Government officials, The News Media, etc, like to thwart the truth many times into something it is not. They will twist words or phrases to make them sound confusingly convincing, but in the end it’s just all a big lie. This is done more times than not to dramatize a situation, to make it sound worse or better than it actually is, but in the bigger picture, it’s to get them off the hook  for something that is many times profound, so to speak.

Now it's your turn. Our children and grandchildren need to know that there is prudence in telling the truth, and it starts at home. Yes, No?

I am no expert on family issues, nor any other issue for that matter, but I have learned a great deal about virtues, values, and essence of life over the years. My experience, though still learning, comes from The Master of Truth.

Blessing to you!

Agree to Disagree is fine. Spatting raw negativity not tolerated so well.

P.S. I have tried many other blog spots, believe me when I tell you, this is one of the overall very best!!!

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